Turner’s Cartoon Network a unit of Time Warner committed significant resources towards the successful launch of its TickleU program…. (look up overview on Turner’s website. All Points provided the kitting of 20,006 packages for The TickleU Laughter League promotion which included a folder, stickers, tattoos, window cling, laughing chicken and a DVD. The materials and the database arrived to us late. Prior to being given to All Points, the database was to be cleansed by a third party. We noted irregularities in the address file (non ZIP+4, spellings of states were inconsistent, etc.), and we had notified the Cartoon Network of these inconsistencies.
Cartoon Network received assurances from their database company that everything was in good order.
We were in the infancy of our relationship and our job is to protect our client’s projects from every conceivable angle at all times. As a Quality Control practice, All Points processes address data files through our system. All Points shipped the packages and 9,154 of the packages were returned as undeliverable because of database issues. All Points worked with Turner to ensure that even though the mistake was made by another vendor, we were able to correct the error very quickly and cost effectively.
Cartoon Network went back to the database company and discovered the error after the fact. The third party provider corrected the problem and resubmitted the file which did not cost the Cartoon Network. All Points received the new database and reworked the 9,154 returned items (we reopened and repackaged the returned goods) which saved thousands of dollars. The kits were reworked in one day. All Points did not charge Cartoon Network for managing the 9,154 Return items.
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